March 12, 2025

Saints put others First for welfare : Nirankari Baba

Delhi : That true wealth doesn’t come from worldly pleasures and riches but from love and humanity, from brotherhood and peaceful
co-existence, was the message on the second day of the 68th Annual Nirankari Sant Samagam, here on Sunday, where devotees from various parts of the world contributed with their views. Children gave messages in a beautiful manner. When one wonders if children this small would have the kind of wisdom, one forgets that it doesn’t come with age, similar to the immaterial riches that don’t come with accumulation of wealth but with beauty of heart.

His Holiness Baba Hardev Singh Ji Maharaj, addressing a gathering of devotees from all corners of the nation and abroad, said that generosity, compassion, love and selfless devotion is what is required in the present day. Everyone lives a selfish life, but saints put others first and think of the betterment for others. And this is why, saints have been equalled to a tree, and to that of a river’s water that only grow and flow for others. These saints sacrifice for the waning humanity, and devote their lives and make sacrifices to bring people close for benevolence.

Baba Ji said world is shattered, intolerant, inconsiderate, and impatient, and there is undue intolerance of languages, religion, caste, dressing, and mores. Irony is that while practicing this intolerance, humans forget that prophets have always spoken of peaceful co-existence and not mere existence within various sections of the society. Adding to this, Baba Ji said that bias and intolerance have only deteriorated our surroundings and affected our thoughts. And even after it is evident, we choose to be blind to it.

Speaking of man’s ignorance, His Holiness said that whatever path humans have chosen, has only led to creation of barriers and harm. Therefore, prophets have always given the message that walls have to be brought down. The consciousness of God resides in everyone in the form of soul, then why is there this feeling of superiority and animosity in us? Baba Ji said that the reason is that the human is still after stereotypes, and is in dark, but least does he realise that he is falling into a pit. The truth is that the ones, who become a cause for others’ happiness, attain heights. Our ignorance doesn’t let us understand the significance of this. Living a self-centred life is only living a hollow life, without a purpose, added Baba Ji.
His Holiness gave the pondering that it is only after the understanding of God that we will be able to be polite and generous with devious people to help them have sanctity of hearts. Baba Ji blessed everyone with the courage to be able to live such a life, and get clarity of purpose. However, if somebody doesn’t want to take a step towards this direction, he will never achieve enlightenment; one has to close in to the lamp in order to get light.

Devotees present at the open session on the second day expressed their views in various languages, giving enrichment to everyone, and it was iterated by Baba Ji that words of wisdom by saints and sages have to be accepted to lead a happy and fulfilling life. With this Baba Ji added that one does not want to walk on the path of loathing, cannibalism and rejection and rather want to live a life that is full of love, compassion and consideration. Being aware of the limited time that we have, and leading a virtuous life that becomes an example for others, was Baba Ji’s advice to the devotees.
Also present at the second day’s Samagam was Haryana Chief Minister,

Shri Manohar Lal Khattar who contributed towards the message of love, and lauded the Mission’s efforts towards strengthening human bonds. Dr. Bryan Kelly from Australia, who was present with his team, stated that the community services of the Mission contribute to one sixth of the development in India. Similarly, Dr. Mathew Guy, MP from Melbourne, Australia also appreciated the Mission’s contribution in the spiritual and social life of the masses.
Besides Satsang, there is keen interest in the devotees in the Mission’s literature which has been made available at publication stalls. Baba Ji also released an audio CD of Avtar Bani in Tamil and a DVD containing documentary on Rajmata Ji’s inspiring life.
Langar (free food) is also available for the entire 3-day Samagam for the devotees, and it presents a splendid picture of unity in diversity. Besides, Nirankari exhibition stands as a beautiful reflection of the Mission’s history, philosophy and activities is attracting thousands of devotees and other participants.
Morning Procession
Today in the morning, Baba Hardev Singh Ji Maharaj and Pujya Mata Sawinder Ji visited residential tents of devotees in Ground 1. While they were standing in an open vehicle, devotees could not hold their joy. They welcomed them with folk dances and songs. The devotion and gratitude to His Holiness was clear from the divine glow on their faces. It was virtually a colourful procession marked by bands, drums and folk music.