February 23, 2025

Pedagogical Institutions turned into political forum

What we want to make our child?

Shafi Shiddique

The option of spreading unrest in the country has become common. There are some people in society who have studied in violence subject, and they know well that when what to do and what impact of which could happen? Anyway, why should they consider, when they have decided to turmoil in life of common men? Today bustle over the issues like, Intolerance, Bharat Mata Ki Jai and racialism have erupted in the country are reason of these people. They want to burn country, in which they can warm their political breads. But their these antics where the country brought, perhaps they have no idea. One concept has setup in people mind that do something different and become popular in country as well as abroad.

We cannot discuss earlier issues, but of course can present some new examples.  Recently, issues like, Patel community protest, JNU issue, Hyderabad University dispute and now issue of NIT Srinagar controversy have become a matter of discussion today in across the country. The political parties are warming political breads interestingly over these issues. But we have remained bystander. Surprisingly, the wind of politic has started blowing in schools and colleges, that is ominous sign for the country, resulting students are tilting towards politic rather than their higher education, not only this, future of studying children is doomed.


If matter of NIT should be seriously considered, then we will find future of the students hanging in balance, because this was a time, when examination is scheduled almost every schools and colleges and students merely concentrate at their examination instead of other things. But now the situation has erupted over there, by which the student went in depression and decided to vacate the campus without caring about their future.


After analyzing the entire episode, should we not understand that the students with whom future we are playing are income of tomorrow and we have to depend on them in near future.  I want to ask, if the whole children should become leader, then who will be teacher, doctor, engineer or who will care of the country’s borders? We need to control our desires and in order to avoid such incidents in the future, we must take some strong measures, otherwise such incidents will emerge to us forever.