February 23, 2025

Sport quiz and wall Magazine competition held in DAV Public School, Scet-49 FBD

Faridabad: Under the British Council ISA Project on Popular Games and Sports various competitions were held in D.A.V Public School, Faridabad on December,11,2015 for class lX students to create awareness about some prominent games played in countries like USA, Japan, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka.

The event was presided over by the Principal of the school Mr. Bimal Kumar Das. The students prepared interesting and informative case study reports based on various aspects of sports like Historical Background, Rules and Regulations, Famous Players, Health and Nutrition and Doping Cases.

Wall magazine competition was also held wherein the students prepared spectacular display boards showcasing information about major sports played in the selected countries. Quiz based on sports was also conducted in which the participants displayed their knowledge, cracking various rounds of questions based on sports put up by the Quizmasters.

In his address Principal Mr. Das congratulated the students for their enthusiastic participation in the project activities and motivated them to be avid learners and excel in every sphere of life.