Faridabad: Today when entire the world has frightened with heart disease, then it is our responsibility that how we should protect our heart, how we can make a healthy heart and how we can keep ourselves free from fear.
We all know well that now there is no criteria or age limit for heart disease, while we come to know the heart attack tragedy in every age group. Well, keeping in view of this disease, city’s QRG Hospital led by Dr. Rakesh Rai Sapra as well as Dr. Gajinder Goyal has held a campaign for the awareness of prevention of diseases. It was witnessed today when many people were present in the courtyard of the hospital and asked heart problems and other diseases related questions to the specialist doctors.
Addressing to the gathering Dr. Goyal said Information of heart diseases can prevent many premature deaths. It is our responsibility to save patients not only from disease but along with to create awareness to prevent diseases by changing our lifestyle. 30 percent out of 100 deaths occurs from heart attack and stroke or paralysis disease. These diseases occur because of blockage in major arteries of the brain or heart. He responded to questions from the audience with very simple words.
Meanwhile, Dr. Sapra continued to talk to the people said people have confusion about normal pain and heart attack pain. People must understand that not every pain is a heart attack. He further said if you have any doubt or intolerable pain suddenly occurs at midnight that it has not ever feel pain could be identified as heart attack. I already told you, in thus situation you must rest instead of rushing and not fear and alert your members to reach hospital quickly. He advised some medicines that are very useful during the adversity one of which is Disprin tablets which should chew with teeths rather than drink with water, he said.
QRG Hospital held health dialogue programme