Faridabad/Alive News: It’s time to acknowledge & applaud the 3 years of consistent hard work put in by Dr.Bala, The leading lifestyle & preventive medicine expert of India & The Founder of Med Fit India Movement and Rajni Agarwal,Co-Founder of Med Fit India Movement for taking the “BAN HOOKAH CAMPAIGN” to the nook and corner of Haryana state with the help of our Honourable Chief Minister’s Office and also for taking the campaign to the schools & colleges to bring in the much required awareness amongst the children & youth population against the smoking/consumption of the toxiferous & poisonous hookah. We join the civil society in congratulating Dr.Bala & Rajni Agarwal for successfully running the “BAN HOOKAH CAMPAIGN” and for playing a key role in getting the ban on hookah in the state of Haryana.
Hookah banned :The real heroes behind the hookah ban campaign”
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