February 24, 2025

DITMR Brilliant students honoured

Faridabad/ Alive News: Delhi Institute of Technology Management & Research (DITMR) student Subodh Kumar stood first rank 88.94 percent in MDU, December 2016, in M. Tech, Computer Science & Engineering (3rd Semester). He made a new concept on Brain Mapping using Computer Technology. For his excellent work, he was honoured/ appreciated by Dr. Harsh Vardhan, Ministry of Science & Technology, and respected Ram Dev.

Recently he got recognition from HRD Minister, Mr. Prakash Javadekar for his new concept in brain mapping using 4D brain analysis and with forthcoming  President Mr R.N. Kovind.

Similarly, Last year in May 2016, Nafeesh Mahammod received gold medal from MDU for first rank in M.Tech. Mechanical Engineering.
Apart from this, more than forty students from various disciplines (B.Tech – ME,CE, CSE, ECE, EE, M.Tech – CSE & ME, B.Arch. & BBA) got MDU rank in, December, 2016. Ascharya Bansal 81.20 percent stood second rank in M.Tech. Mechanical, Ms Aarti 81.5 percnet stood third in Civil B.Tech. CE-7,OM Prakash Dubey fourth M.Tech., ME, Chhaya Mandal 83.04 percent 7th rank in CSE -3, Naveen kumar 80.35 percent, B.Tech. ME-3 and Dewakar B.Tech. CE-7 stood 8th rank, Niti Sharma M.Tech. CSE- 3, 85.18 percent and Sandhya Rani 84.47, M.Tech. – 3, CSE stood 10th and 12th rank respectively. Seven students from B.Arch. & two students from BBA are also rank holders in M.D.U. Exam DEC, 2016.

Over this great achievement, the chairman of DITMR, S.P Lal honouring the students said this is the result of all the students’ passion and hard work of teachers who have achieved this success. I hope our children will continue to achieve such success even further.