February 23, 2025

DAV School-49 orgnised State Level Handball Tournament

Faridabad/Alive News : Faridabad hosts DAV Sports State (Zonal) Level Handball Tournament (Boys and Girls) from December 15 to 77, 2023. The event witnessed the participation from various teams across different age categories, lncluding U-14, U-17, and U-19, representing DAV schools from Gurugram, Kurukshetra, Kaithal, Narnaul and Faridabad district on 15th December.

The first day commenced with the solemn oath ceremony, where all participants pledged their commitment to fair play and companionship. The Principal of DAV Public School, Mr Rajan Gautam delivered a motivating address, inspiring the young players to give their best on the field.

Throughout the day, the intense matches between various teams demonstrated exemp ary sportsmanship and team sp rit, creatlnB an atmosphere of hea thv competition promislng more the fll lng moments and display of skills in the days to come The organizing commlttee, along wlth the enthusiastic partic pants, ooks forward to more exciting moments in the remaining days of this sporting extrava Sanza.