February 24, 2025

DAV NH3  students bagged first prize in Haryana Inter School Handball Tournament

Faridabad/ Alive News: DAV NH3 FBD organized Haryana Inter School Handball Tournament on 17th & 18th August 2017 for both Boys and Girls under different categories. Under 19, Under 17 and Under 14. In Girls’ Category 12 teams participated whereas in Boys category there were eleven teams. The school Principal Jyoti Dahiya and Buddhi Ram Dhankar were the chief guests of the event. The officials were, Amit Solanki Harinder Gill, Neeraj Sherawat and Rinku.

Despite of the hot weather, all the participants were very energetic and keen to show their talent. All the spectators were disciplined and cheered up the teams to encourage them and kept on boosting their moral. It was a hard struggle for each team to win the tournament. Arrangements of water and glucose was alson made to give a relief from the scorching sun. In Girls’ Under 19 category DAV NH3 bagged the first prize, Rattan Convent got the second. Under 17 Category DAV NH3 secured the first Position whereas DAV Sec14 FBD was second . Under 14 Rattan Convent was first and DAV NH3 stood Second.

In Boys’ Under 19 category Rattan Convent bagged the first prize, Dav NH3 got the second. Under 17 Category DAV NH3 secured the first Position whereas Rattan Convent FBD was second and SurajKund Interantional bagged Third Position. Under 14 Rattan Convent was first and DAV NH3 stood Second.

The school Principal Jyoti Dahiya said sports are popular among the people of all the ages because it helps us to keep fit and strengthens our muscles. They are not only a useful means of entertainment and physical activity but also break the monotony of our daily life. They give energy and strength, maintain mental balance in the midst of hope and despair. They make us learn how to tackle the difficult situations bravely. They help in character building, inculcating many values-discipline, sportsmanship, team spirit, it also helps in developing a sense of brotherhood, friendliness. It improves our ability and efficiency to work and play.
The winners were congratulated and their efforts were appreciated too, as only the captain of our team cannot do it all alone. It is their team spirit, cooperation and presence of mind that take them to the victory.