February 24, 2025

Constitution celebration day held in DAV School NH3

Faridabad: DAV Public School NH-3 Faridabad assumed and celebrated Nov-26, 2015 as the constitution day. To mark the day, a special assembly was conducted for the whole school. Through various thoughts and speeches budding scholars enhanced the knowledge of all about our constitution and preamble.
The principal of the school, Mrs. Jyoti Dahiya, motivated the students to respect and follow the spirit of constitution. All the students and teachers along with the principal, showed their respect by reciting preamble of the constitution. After assembly, to illustrate the messages contained in the preamble to the Indian constitution, a poster making competition was organized for classes VI to XI. The upcoming artist of the school participated in the competition with zest and zeal. Through their art work, their patriotic feelings were reflected. They beautifully designed their heart and soul on the sheets.
At the end of the day, to honour and encourage the winners of each class, a special assembly was conducted and the results were announced.
Namrata from VI B, Pushpam VII C, Debayan Sil IX C, Palak XI C bagged the first prize. Cheshta VI C, Shubham VII C, Yashree IX B, Aishwarya XI B received the second where as Sanvi VI C, Jahanvi VII C, Sajid Khan IX A, Khushboo Jindal XI C got the third prize.
At length, the principal appreciated the efforts of the students and staff whose cooperation made the day successful.