March 7, 2025

Lingaya’s University organizes orientation programme for fresher

Faridabad/Alive News: Lingaya’s University organized an orientation programme for newly joined/ fresher students here at its courtyard today.  Meanwhile, Dr. Picheshwar Gadde, Chief Executive Officer of the university, Dr. J. P. Gupta, Chancellor of the university, Dr. R. K. Chauhan, Vice Chancellor, Dr. G. V. Ramaraju, Dean Academics and Pro Vice Chancellor, Dr. Meera Raj Mangalath, Director Lingaya’s Institute of Health Sciences, Dr. Tapas Kumar Associate Dean (Computer Science) and Incharge Admissions, Dr. Pragati Kapoor, Associate Dean (Academics) jointly inaugurated the program by lighting of the sacred lamp followed by recital of “Saraswati Vandana” by the students.

During this, on behalf of the university, Dr. G.V.Ramaraju welcomed the new students as well as their guardians and informed them about the academic courses run by the university as academic calendar and rules of the university, Sports facilities available, regarding cultural activities and examination system of the university. Dr. Picheshwar Gadde, C.E.O. of the university thanked the parents for selecting this university for their wards and assured that all efforts will be made to come up to their expectations so that they feel that they have taken a right decision.


 He called upon the students to consider the university as their second home and participate in sports and cultural activities for their all-round personality development. Interesting cultural program was presented during the function. Senior students and parents of the students shared their views and experiences with the new joining students.