February 24, 2025

Women protested opening liquor shop in Parvatiya colony

Faridabad/ Alive News: People in Parvatiya colony of Faridabad fiercely opposed of opening liquor shop in the area. They have demanded to cancel license and shut down of the allotted liquor shop. The president of Jawahar Colony market association, Neeraj Bhatia also supported to the protest.

The protesting women claimed that the liquor shop was opened in the middle of the market. The market is situated by the liquor shop and by opening of the liquor shop drunken people will gather here, resulting cases of molesting might be increased. The youths of the area were also seen protesting.

The market association chief, Niraj Bhatia said that the liquor shop must be closed after cancellation of the allotted license. The protesting women threatened to protest again if the liquor shop is not closed.