February 23, 2025

One Man One Rule

Bad day heavy on Modi govt’s “Good Day”

To judge India as a developing country from International stage would be an exaggeration. The people of the world are being told that India is developing swiftly and its Digital India, Make in India, Minimum government maximum governance, Man Ki Bat and Transparency government, through these concepts, which work has been done in the last sixteen months that had not been in sixty years, this usually can be heard in the PM’s speeches. Our PM led the BJP govt chaired in the center around sixteenth month ago. PM too affected of the country’s people with selected speeches. He used the same speeches whenever he addressed people across India or abroad. The PM’s brand rallies staged on the foreign land, people gathered to hear our PM after forgetting their caste, religion, indigenous and foreigner thoughts. It is said truth, “Distant drums sound well” and now our PM wanted to set his mark on foreign soils, but unfortunately that is not happening and as he began his foreign tours one after the other then, people of the country understood that he did nothing even after passing his sixteen months governance in the center, resulting people began to sow their anger against PM.
Let’s see, what the Modi govt did in its passing regime? Of course PM, Modi is known as a progressive leader just because of his many works done in Gujarat as CM tenure. Since then an image of the dynamic hero clicked in every man’s mind of the country, resulting the BJP govt emerged with full majority in the 14th Lok Sabha elections. The PM prepared a powerful ministry so that he could fulfill aspirations of the common man for which he had been elected. But when the actual time came to work, then the party slipped off from its promises and indulged rather in Ghar Wapsi, Communal riots, Inflation and Atrocity than focused on its agenda. However, people were hush, because they were waiting of good days (Achhe Din). This govt just making foolish to the country’s people, but it didn’t know that, if people of the country will become angry, then they may get the party remembered its old days. No doubt, bad day instead of good day has started now for the party.
The party indulged in its rhetoric, causing it lost Delhi assembles elections, though the party didn’t learn from the results and again it is following the same path. People’s anger flared the time when our PM didn’t respond on Dadri as well as Sonped matters. Intolerance spreaded in the entire country and writers, Actors, Scientists, soldiers and philosophers become against the party and began to return their Nobel. Yet, the party’s leaders from across the country were giving controversial statement due to which, the party lost Bihar assemble elections.
After All, what the party wants? Has the party become a puppet of a single hand? Where is Modi wave? Where is Achhe Din (Good Day)? Why people not being motivated through Man Ki Bat? Overall, the point is this that, if the party doesn’t recoup in the time, then the day is not so far when it may have to see the bad day again.