February 24, 2025

Homerton Grammar School celebrated “Mothers’ Day”

Alive News Service:

Faridabad: The students of Homerton Grammar School, Sector 21 A, Faridabad, celebrated Mothers’ Day to show their respect and expressed gratitude towards their mothers. It was a day in the school to celebrate mother’s love. Students from the primary as well as senior wing put up a great show honouring their mothers for always playing a special role in each of their lives.


 The students recited beautiful poems on “Mother”. The tiny tots came up with a presentation of a musical drama depicting a mother and her unmatched support and unconditional love.

Deepika of class 9th presented her views on the importance of a mother’s contribution towards the upbringing of a child, focusing on how a mother brings light, celebration and sparkles into the family.

 The Principal of the school Mr. Kul dip Singh urged the children to respect their mothers and make them proud as they are ones who bring the family together and protect the family from all evils.