January 27, 2025

Faridabad district health dept nabbed fetus test gang, two ultrasound machines sealed

Faridabad/ Alive News: Government is trying a lot to boost girl’s ratio in across the country, but there are some people who do not refrain from their fanatics and are indulge in fetal examination even provision of a strict action against the guilty.

Similarly, the Faridabad district health department got a great success and nabbed a woman doctor indulging in fetal test with red hand here outside its territory in Sarita Vihar area in (Delhi). The doctor used to take Rs 11000 for fetus examine, while commission of broker was fixed Rs 3000 per patient to bring patients. The broker who lived with the doctor is native of Palwal district. The broker used to carry many women to Delhi for fetus examination due to ban of fetal test here in Haryana state. The health department made plane to string operation after getting information about the matter.

For this, Civil Surgeon Dr. Gulshan Arora constituted a team and sent a pregnant lady as a customer to the broker. As soon the broker carried the lady in ultrasound room as the team including health department of Delhi caught them in red hand.