February 25, 2025

DAV, NH-3 celebrates Arya Samaj Week

Faridabad/ Alive News: DAV, NH-3, observed “Arya Samaj Week” from October, 30th to 3rd November, 2017 to promote values and practises based on the belief in the infallible authority of the Vedas.

The celebration included-Yajna by the students, bhajan singing. Vijay Dhakar of 5th A threw some light on the life of Swami Dayanand Saraswati who was a profound scholar and the founder of the Arya Samaj. Vanshika and Sanjana of 8th A recited ‘The Rules of Arya Samaj’ that God is primary source of all true knowledge and of all that can be known through it. God is Existent, Intelligent and Blissful. He is formless. Kritika of 8th threw light on the life of Swami Shardanand whereas Vineeta of 8th B recited “Dharma’s Qualities”. Animesh of 8th B spoke on the “Importance of Vedas”.

Yajna was performed evryday by the students of different classes to meet the aims of Arya Samaj i.e.-to recover and revive the forgotten values. The children were told that spiritual strength can help them overcome hardships, spiritual people make healthier choice. Spirituality helps live longer. During the meditation session, the children were told that they can improve their concentration and attention therough meditation.

Having a positive relationship between religions ad spiritual practices gives better health outcomes.