February 23, 2025

Blood Donor should be aware about fact: Dr M.P Singh


MPSING-1 (1)We should respect to blood donor and warmly welcome in blood donation camps. We should explain everything to each about blood donation, because healthy knowledge can give better results and superstition can be reduce. By your awareness, fear of donor will be for away. If donor has same question and want to ask, then listen patiently and give him answer carefully and pleasantly. If any social workers ask the question related to blood bank, blood components, blood donation camps, blood donation procedure and refreshment etc. they should be given proper exactly, authentic and approved answer and don’t misguide them Always help and support to needy person. It is very good work to very good person. Be positive and be optimist.

Motivator should motivate to volunteers to be regular blood donor and give excellent human behavior, by which donor feel good and come again and again for donation. Volunteers must speak to donors throughout all stages and prepare donor list with name, address, contact No, Emails, blood group, date of donation and place. After donation, donor should be provided some refreshment i.e. Milk, Juice, Fruits etc. and give thanks for donation. If donor is with negative group then make special list and call them at emergency not in volunteer blood donation camp.

For regular donation give a call to blood donor after every three months or send a reminder by SMS, Mail, Whatsapp or letter if you are able to keep your responsibility then donation will be increase 100%. Increasing or decreasing of blood donation is depending on blood bank team, blood donation camp organizers, volunteers and motivators. If motivators are raising awareness for voluntary blood donation among people, workers, officers, soldiers, industrialist, students and social workers etc. and fix the date and time according their convenient then donation will increase. The site must be well ventilated, clean and lighted with sufficient drinking water, toilet facilities, adequate waiting space for expected number of donor and on-lookers, adequate number of tables and chairs. The beds will be as close as possible to blood donor.

Blood donation camp will be organized at common place where more and more people can meet easily. If you are organizing blood donation camp in non donors’ area then by seeing blood donors they will be motivate and in future they will donate the blood. So keeps some facts and tricks for increasing the donation.

Organizer should convert the camp site to festive mood with decoration, light music rather than silence. A well managed blood donation camp can motivate non donors or participants. You can give memorable gift to donor in their respect, but it is not compulsory. It can give positive and results so it depends on person to person. Which type of donor coming in camp? By publicity, awareness is increased so you can adopt print or electronic media for publicity.  Camp can be organized at educational institutions, factories, offices (Govt& Private), banks, clubs and convenient center places.  Pre-donation counseling is essential for ensuring safe blood supply, because lack of the education and awareness aggravates problems of transmitted infections.

For more detail or any query contact to Dr. M.P Singh (writer, motivator, trainer, career counselor) (Indian Society of Blood Transfusion and immunohematology) ISBTI member, authorized motivator from Aids Control society Panchkula Haryana M.No…9810566553,

Feedback Mail, drmpsingh66@gmail.com