December 27, 2024

ICE is simplest, safest and effective technique: Dr. MP Singh

ICE is not just for cold drinks but ice is one of the simplest, safest and most effective self care technique for injury, pain or discomfort in muscles and joints. You can use ice for rehabilitation of injuries or chronic problems. ICE initially constricts blood vessels and decreases tissue temperature. This is why hemorrhage is controlled. Don’t use ice in cold allergic conditions or paralysis. Don’t use ice directly over superficial nerve areas. When there is injury or discomfort then use RICE. R- rest the injury, I- ice, C- compress, E- elevate. Iceing may be used along with compression, elevation, bracing and support when treating acute injuries. Don’t use ice over broken or fragile skin. Ice pack gives the relief in back pain. It will reduce blooding and reduce swelling.


Writer authorized lecturer of first-aid and home nursing from ministry of health, writer of road safety, civil defense, disaster management, first-aid, nursing etc.

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