February 25, 2025

R.B Convent School departs its outgoing students

Faridabad/ Alive News: R. B Convent School concluded its farewell ceremony in the school courtyard with great zeal and enthusiasm on March 4 here today. The outgoing students along with their juniors enjoyed a lot to the moment. During this, the students through their several acts as cultural programme, speech and group dance charmed the viewers. The outgoing students one side where they were given titles by their juniors while another side they also shared the experiences which they had achieved in the school and their teachers as well. They promoted to their juniors for carefully study.

Meanwhile, the principal Dibesh Madhav, Mahesh Madhav Shastri and Anuradha functionaries of the school jointly said, definetly this school has came into existance very soon, but the member of this school are dedicated and laborious towards their responsibility. They said we focus to provide our children socioeconomic knowledge including education. they referring to the outgoing students said time is changing our country is being known in across the world, therefore you all students it is also your responsibility to pay attention towards an education, so that you can make your identity in the world.